Grade 4 is the first year of the Intermediate Phase of schooling at Pelham and a broad range of new concepts are introduced to the learners.
For most of Pelham’s Grade 4 intake, the move to Pelham represents a huge step in their educational journey. Gone are the years of “learning to read”- instead, learners are faced with the challenges of “reading to learn”. It is for this reason that our Grade 4 educators aim to develop the skills, thinking techniques and behaviours which enable learners to keep progressing in a positive manner throughout their time at Pelham.
As much as is possible is done to acclimatize the Grade 4’s with their new environment and after Orientation Day, the Grade 4’s have the added advantage of starting the new school term one day early to enable them to get to find their feet.
Once the term is in full swing, each Grade 4 learner is allocated a Grade 7 'buddy' who keeps a watchful over them as they familiarize themselves with the new environment.
In the classroom, the Grade 4’s are gradually encouraged to work independently, with the educators fostering an ethos of lively participation and involvement. Themes and topics are carefully selected to appeal to the interest levels of the learners and, wherever and whenever possible, the learners are taken out of the classroom for outings and activities that make the learning experience relevant and exciting. Specialist subjects offer new challenges and disciplines to the learners who soon have to master the added responsibilities of bringing the correct specialized kit on specific days whilst still staying abreast of their academic and sporting demands at the same time. The variety of sport and after school activities offered at Pelham enables the new Grade 4’s to be exposed to the benefits of making the right choice- there simply is not sufficient time in the week for them to be involved in everything!